Why Be Afraid of Aging? Embrace Body Neutrality

The promises of the anti-aging industry are often a sham. People spend huge amounts to fight wrinkles, obesity and the signs of aging. But… why not embrace body neutrality, the philosophy that encourages to accept your body as it is.

It should be a daily mantra: “Thank you, body, for taking care of me today.” Instead, we take our bodies for granted. We are often dissatisfied with our bodies. We want to look different and be able to do things that may not be appropriate any longer as we age.

Body neutrality means that your body is beautiful just the way it is, that you love your body, and that you accept its quirks and whims.
Body neutrality means that your body is beautiful just the way it is, that you love your body, and that you happily live with its quirks and whims. (Vogue)

We’re aging regardless

Some people, for fear of aging, go to great lengths to “cheat” or hide age. Ever heard of buccal fat removals, donating blood to burn calories or “preventative” Botox? These folks are going to age regardless – and their fear of age makes them look even older.

There’s an easy way out. Embrace your body as it is. It’s a way of life, a philosophy, called body neutrality. The simply natural way of life. Pro-aging behavior furthermore means to accept what aging actually means.

Simple truths

Body neutrality is not to be confused with body positivity, which is more about loving your body and focusing on physical appearance. Instead, body neutrality focuses more on the abilities and non-physical qualities of the body.

What this means? That you, that everyone is different. Love yourself the way you are!

  1. Accept who you are
  2. Focus on what your body is able to do for you
  3. No more brooding about what you can’t change
  4. Know how to distinguish feelings from facts
  5. Spend less time getting ready, because you already are
  6. Wear what you like and what is comfortable
  7. Cut people and conversations you don’t like out of your life
  8. Be patient and forgive
  9. Whatever you do: like what you do, yet compromise when necessary

This list, of course, is not carved in stone. But if you take these simple truths to heart, you lead a pretty comfortable life – especially in older age, when you should already be more relaxed about everything.