Age Is Worth the Wait

Daniel Kestenholz, born in 1966, is a Swiss-Thai journalist, correspondent, author, photographer and bon vivant, mainly living in Bangkok, Thailand and Zurich, Switzerland

Hi, I am Daniel Kestenholz, a Swiss-Thai world citizen mainly living in Bangkok. I am in that second half of life: over 50 years of age.

Humans usually spend their first half of life discovering. The second half: becoming aware of one’s roots. is all about making the most of that “second life.” It’s a non-ending work in progress. will slowly and steadily grow – just like one does when getting older!

Getting older is no reason to feel older

Of course, we must not fool ourselves. With age comes pain. We are more likely to face the loss of loved ones and our own abilities. We need to prepare ourselves. shall inspire, help, encourage. Getting older is no reason to feel older. Born in July 1966, I feel better, healthier, more ready than ever. Age is worth the wait.  

Granted, much of what you know about 50 you might have liked to know earlier. But that’s not how life works. We can’t stop aging. Nothing is permanent. Younger people run faster and jump higher. We, however, are the seasoned generation.

Thank you for stopping by! Love to hear what you think about age and getting older. Drop a mail to dan at uber50s dot com.