The Only Way to Cure Nail Fungus

Many have it, and once you have it, it seems nearly impossible to get rid of. Be it laser treatment, pulling the affected nail(s), antifungal liquid or natural remedies, nail fungus takes years to heal. After fighting it for many years – and trust me, am a hyper hygienic person – I finally found a way.

Vaseline Petroleum Jelly, essential for the healing of nail fungus.
  1. Most antifungal creams and drops don’t work. Don’t go natural, trust what’s strong.
  2. Ask your trusted or a nearby dermatologist for the best, strongest treatment to be applied at home – because it takes a long time.
  3. Be diligent and disciplined. Usually, the remedy has to be applied in the mornings and before bed. Never forget a single application, even if you’re tired.
  4. In no way is your affected nail healed within a few weeks. It has to regrow properly, and that’s the toughest part. Even if the nail looks ugly and uneven, just let it grow. Don’t cut it! Let it grow.
  5. Now, and this is very important: during nights, moisture the affected nail with Vaseline. Wear a sock or glove. This moisture is essential for the nail to heal, regrow and bond with the skin.
  6. File the nail every third day. Preventively, you might still apply the dermatologist’s antifungal remedy twice a week or so. Most essential now is Vaseline.
  7. Over time, your nail regrows beautifully. There are no shortcuts. Curing nail fungus takes years and dedication.