The Perfect Life? Here’s How

The perfect life is not a life without pain and suffering. At best, the perfect life will always suck a little bit. Yearning for happiness and blessings only? You never gonna make it happily through life.

Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895-1986) was an Indian philosopher and theosophist. In his most important publications, Krishnamurti addresses spiritual questions, such as the attainment of complete spiritual freedom through meditation, but also religious and philosophical topics.
If there is one way out, if there is a perfect life, philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti has some interesting ideas about it.

“No way out,” pretty much sums up the basic rule of the perfect life. If you’re ready for this realistic approach to life, Jiddu Krishnamurti offers great insights. (You can find books of and on Jiddu Krishnamurti on Amazon and eBay.)

With a calm voice and mind, Krishnamurti tears down dreams and illusions, only to make perfect sense of an existence that was never meant to be painless and pain-free. By accepting pain and failure, one overcomes pain and failure.

Saints are still humans

This illusion of a perfect, painless life is a marketing thing. There is no formula for a perfect life full of happiness. Do this, do that, and you’ll be happy… nonsense.

On the hunt for the little carrot that always dangles in front of us? There will always be another carrot. It’s all in the head. Things and feelings and fears are what you make them to be.

Even in paradise, there is always shit going on – and be it only the weather. Even in the Vatican, at Mecca and in ashrams, the almost saints are still human beings with their whims and failures. They sweat, they poop, they fart, bound to human biology and physics.

The ageless age

But… we’re conditioned to think that the future, the other husband, the next wife, are always better. They’re not. There is no magic solution to dissolve our suffering. Suffering is always here.

Happiness comes from being prepared for non-happiness, from solving problems.

The future won’t be better. This moment is already the best there will ever be. And this moment, it is ageless. The moment, pure happiness, has no age.