Need No Gym: The Body Is My Workout Tool

I’m not here to show off my glutes and demonstrate how I tighten my butt. Take my word for it: I work out without a gym membership, without exercise equipment. I just exercise wherever I feel like it. At home on the floor, at the beach. I stretch, do a bit of strength and cardio training. I don’t have a six-pack or hints of Arnold S., but that’s not the goal either. The goal is a toned body with clear contours, not the flabby mass you get when you just let yourself go and stay inactive. And… it works. Without a monthly fitness membership.

It’s as simple as it sounds. Use your own body and positions as weight. All it takes is some practice and research, to develop a workout routine that suits you.

Yes, you can replace a gym and workout machines with body-weight workout. From general strength training, to cardio fitness, to flexibility and sports performance, you can train them all with just body-weight exercises and a variety of yoga, stretching and endurance sets.

All you need is… yourself.