Kiteboarding Session: A Little Sport Never Hurts

The moral of the story: a lot happened in the past months and even years, was always busy and got distracted by blows of fate that just happen in life. After a long break, I was finally able to kiteboard again. What fun! With an old kite. It does not always have to be the latest and greatest to stay fit.

A little bit of exercise hardly hurts, or does it.

To be exact: it is a Slingshot RPM 12 m2 kite from 2011. Today’s kites are lighter, more wind dynamic, whatever. Sure, some parts had to be repaired and replaced over the years. High and lofty, the kite pulled strongly and reliably, like a mighty winged power horse in the sky. What more one needs!

Not having the latest equipment typically is an excuse for not going out and doing sports. Of course, safety first. Make sure above everything that your equipment meets all safety standards. Then go out and play – and enjoy those aching muscles after the ride.

A body that is not challenged from time to time is a body that regresses.